We have actually known for a very long time that it is important to prevent vitamin D shortage for bone health and wellness, cardio-metabolic health, and other purposes. Vitamin D is necessary to natural immunity and increases immune features versus viral illness. We additionally recognize that vitamin D has an immune-modulating result that can lower swelling.
There’s expanding evidence that vitamin D deficiency may contribute to the danger of developing COVID-19 infection, as well as to the intensity of the disease. COVID-19 causes an inflammatory response in the human body that can cause an overreaction. This causes a condition known as cytokine storm. Cytokine storm is a concentration of immune proteins, known as cytokines, that start to attack the body’s own cells and tissue.
Studies in severely ill coronavirus patients have shown elevated levels of these cytokine proteins. With the body trying to fight off the disease, the immune system overreacts with an excessive inflammation response. Vitamin D helps to suppress this excessive, over the top response, helping the cytokine levels remain normal.
Having said all of this, Vitamin D levels for most people are lower than optimal. People with darker colored skin do not get the best effect of Vitamin D production enticement from being out in the sun. Foods do not all contain Vitamin D. Vitamin D fortification is found in some dairy products and cereals but it is hard to get enough Vitamin D from food. This is where the need for supplementation comes in.
Vitamin D healthy ranges depend on age. Children and infants usually require less Vitamin D then adults. Adults and seniors should be getting 3000-5000 IU. Your doctor can test your Vitamin D level through blood work and know if you have a deficiency. This is then used to help strategize the amount of Vitamin D you may require. Supplements can usually be found in liquid and pill forms. Your intake form depends on your preference.